National Pet Dental Month | Part 3
In our last installment on the benefits of chewing, we will talk about the physical benefits!
If you missed the previous parts, use these links to catch up:
Part 1: Health Benefits
Part 2: Mental Benefits
The Teeth and Jaws:
From the shape of their teeth, to the strength of their jaws, your pup’s need to chew comes from a desire to use the tools they are born with. A dog can use a tremendous amount of energy chewing, which helps alleviate boredom, stress, and leave a dog feeling quite accomplished with how they spent their time.
Chewing on your Terms:
By providing chew time on a schedule, you can help direct their physical drive by providing quality chews to keep them healthy, safe, and out of trouble. If you don’t provide something, in most cases, they start to test chew items in their environment until they locate something to crunch!
Some of the best situations for quality chew time are the days where you weren’t able to knock out a walk or take them out to play. Long day at work? Rainy day keeping you inside? Giving a chew when it benefits everyone based on the current situation is key. This helps create some freedom for you, as well as helping your dog burn energy on a day when they might not have been available to otherwise.
The Chewing Quota:
Breed, age, and environment can all play a role in how long your dog can and should chew. 10 minutes of daily chewing is always a great start, but note the behavior of your pup once a chew has been removed from their space. If after a few minutes they go get water and lay down, they checked the correct boxes and had a successful chewing session.
Trying a New Chew?
Great! Your pup is going to love it! Always remember to start slow and monitor anything new. You know your dog better than anyone, make sure you watch how they chew and take anything away that they seem to be having trouble with!
And that completes our breakdown on the benefits of chewing! To say thanks for joining us, use code CHEWTIME at checkout for 18% OFF all products in our Chews Collection.